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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Endless Wait: How Protracted Job Interviews Are Testing Candidate Patience

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As the world recalibrates from the whirlwind hiring sprees of yesteryears, job seekers find themselves navigating a new yet not-so-welcoming phase: the era of protracted job interviews. Gone are the days of rapid-fire job offers through brisk video calls. In this analysis, we delve into the current state of the job market where companies, armed with the luxury of choice, are extending the interview process, often leaving candidates in prolonged suspense.

The Marathon Interview Process: A New Hiring Norm?

Adam Nicoll, a seasoned executive director in the recruitment sector, recounts his recent grueling experience: eight back-to-back Friday interviews with the same organization without any conclusive outcome. This story isn’t unique to Nicoll. Across industries, there’s a noticeable deceleration in the pace of hiring – a stark contrast to the frantic talent grab known as the Great Resignation of 2021.

What we’re witnessing is a significant shift. Employers, once desperate for talent, now operate in a tighter job market, with the power to be selective and deliberate in their hiring processes. This shift is illustrated by a startling figure from iCIMS, a recruiting software company, showing a 44% increase in applications per opening in the UK and EMEA since February 2023, with an average role now taking seven weeks to fill.

Behind the Scenes of the Slowdown

The slowdown is not without reason. Employers are rebuilding their hiring protocols post the rapid and sometimes reckless recruitment of the past. Astad Dhunjisha, VP of Global Talent Acquisition at AT&T, notes that more interview rounds have become the norm. Hybrid work arrangements have introduced multiple virtual interviews to the traditional in-person ones, inadvertently elongating the process.

The Consequences of Caution

This newfound caution among employers is born out of necessity. Companies, recovering from the hasty hiring decisions of the past, are intensifying their assessment processes. The desire to make ‘better hires’ translates to a lengthier, more rigorous process that can extend for months, especially for higher-level positions.

The Human Cost of Prolonged Hiring

However, this extended process comes at a human cost. Hays, a leading recruitment firm, revealed that only 18% of workers consider three rounds of interviews acceptable. Furthermore, if there’s more than a week’s delay after a final interview, 94% of candidates are likely to move on to other opportunities. This highlights a stark disconnect between employer tactics and candidate expectations.

The Financial Logic of Delayed Hiring

Some of this delay can be attributed to financial prudence. With businesses teetering on the brink of profitability amid economic uncertainties, the recruitment process is often left simmering on the back burner. Hiring decisions are staggered to align with fiscal stability, leading to prolonged wait times for candidates.

Tasking Candidates Unfairly

In extreme cases, this drawn-out approach has led to an increase in complex and time-consuming tasks for candidates, often without the courtesy of follow-up. The expectation to deliver extensive business plans or lengthy presentations without the assurance of progression is indicative of an imbalance in the recruitment process, tilting the scales in favor of employers who can afford to be demanding.

Navigating the Protracted Interview Labyrinth

For candidates caught in this labyrinthine interview process, patience is both a virtue and a necessity. Yet, there are telltale signs that it’s time to move on: vague timelines, unclear interview structures, and indecision are red flags that the job search might need to shift gears.


The narrative of the job market has taken a turn, from a candidate-driven wonderland to a maze of endurance. This shift begs a question of sustainability and the potential repercussions on the morale of a workforce already weary from the trials of recent years. As the pendulum of the labor market continues its arc, one wonders if the current trends will solidify or if another swing will see the return of candidate favor. For now, the watchword is resilience, as job seekers navigate the tightening labyrinth of the hiring process.

In this climate of protracted hiring, a strategic approach and a clear understanding of when to persevere or pivot could make all the difference in securing the right role without sacrificing one’s sanity.

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